Monday, October 26, 2009

One Grrreat Month...

October turned out to be! Remember, my September 09 went down as one of the busiest Ive ever survived, ur, umm, been through?! Wheeee, right into the next month and technically we still have a week to go but its lookin' like its gonna finish up just as great as it started :-) So much to tell ya so here we go...

First up...Im still in AWWW!!!...Di (@Legacy4Life) picked my Sophia at the Beach LO for DSO's Scraplift Challenge for this month! Thank You so much Di and I luv, luv, luv everyones submissions and Hugs for all the wonderful comments :-) This really is so humbling for me, Im gotta move on quickly, smiling and blushing...

then Charlie...she has a new CU Grab Bag for October up at DSO and DSV, I sooo see holiday gifts for family and friends in my very near future (gifts AND I get to hybrid, woot, woot)...and Ive heard a few other mumbles around too so I might not be the only one who has had this vision, ggg! Watch this space, as they say and my teamates as well, for even more inspiration...links to their blogs on the right sidebar :-)

And just when I think it cant get any better but what happens, the very very very talented Vicki (TxBubbles/DSO CT) picks my Hearts In It LO as one of the DSO Gallery Standouts for the Week of Oct19-Oct25...OMGoodness, thats it, I nearly fainted!!!!!!! Thank You soooo much Vicki, I know you surely know what this mean to me, Hugs!

To the ladies who are really the ones with the irresistible talent and inspiration...Lou (LouCee Creations) for your always beautiful designs and Jazzy (Words to Delite) for you perfect WA, Hugs and Thank You!!!

Well, this has turned into a long one tonight...I knew it was gonna, hehehe...and truth be told Ive been sick for a nearly a week now :-( Not the piggie flu, whew and I am feeling better now by the day, so heres to hoping it will soon be a distant memory! Talk Soon!


Ole Grandma said...

Congrats on all of the great things
this past month.
Sorry to hear you have been sick.
Love Hugs
Ole Grandma

LouCeeCreations said...

Wow! you are having a good month! it's not just the stuff you work with you know, it is how you put it together!