Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Into the madness...

of real life, the holidays and Fall on Willow farm, wheeeee! As much as I dislike having to go out into the snow, Im that much looking forward to being snowed in for guilt free quiet time, LOL! Oh, and if the kids and pets could stay healthy now, that would be good too :-)

Charlie has been busy designing at record speed to be ready for a well deserved vacation to the coast of Australia...Im soooo envious, Have a great time GF! She's released an adorable new holiday kit at DSO before she goes, First Noel is a great bundle with matching cards and glitter and Charlie's take on the traditional colors are perfect! You can get this individually too, Thanx Charlie!!!

Ive got a few projects in the works with this and you'll be seeing those soon!

Somehow the afore mentioned holiday (sewing) projects are still on track and I think they've un-officially givin' me the day off on Thanksgiving, woot, woot...I really really wanna get my cards in the mail the first week of Dec ;-)

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