Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I posted a blinkie last night as a post instead of in my sidebar so Im taking that as a sign that I should put something new here! Im putting up a LO I did for the SAS-y Chat Participate Challenge. DGS and Sammy, isnt that the cutest pic you've ever seen, ggg...I might be a little bias but hey isnt that what grandmas are for :-) I used Digimom Template set12, Booland Designs Vintage Berry and Plum Pudding scrap kits and Laras Digi World Green Alpha...Big Hugs Ladies, Thank You!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello Vanna..thank you so much for your comment on my blog yesterday..if I helped in some small way to make your day better then that makes me so very happy..your comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate you leaving them.
Love your layout

Census said...

Thank you for the lovely kind words on my blog..they are much appreciated!!
I love your layout and yes that is a beautiful photo!!

LindaJD said...

Hi Vana, just dropping in to say Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment for me...:)
What a lovely Layout, he is such a little cutie, and yes us Grandma's can be Biased! lol...